Attn: Local Marketers, Business Consultants and Online Entrepreneurs

Turn "Artificial" Intelligence into REAL Income

By Creating Simple AI Products
 In Under Ten Minutes
That Local Businesses Will Happily
Pay You $395 A Month (Or More!) To Access

  We've Included Instructions & Ideas For Over 55 Local Businesses Inside  

(So Even If You're New To This And A Little Intimidated - You Have No Reason To Fail)

Note: This requires zero technical skill or prior experience to do successfully.

From The Desk Of Jonny Rose & Let's Go Viral

Hello there, friend!

Whether you are a returning customer or brand new to our products, myself and the Let's Go Viral team want to thank you for stopping by today to check out our latest training product.

We specialize in creating high-quality, easy-to-use training that can be used immediately to grow your business and make you money.

Let's Examine The Opportunity In Front Of YOU Today:

Right now, it seems like Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken over the internet.

Everywhere you look, individuals are using AI like ChatGPT to write articles, create images, answer questions, etc etc.

However, whilst everybody is getting excited about never having to write again - savvy local marketers and consultants have discovered a way to use ChatGPT to put more money in both their own pockets AND the pockets of local businesses.

Rather than just using ChatGPT for generating text, you can now use it to create and offer unique and lucrative products that you can sell to local businesses for hundreds of dollars a month (without any manual upkeep or maintenance necessary). 

These unique and lucrative products are called "Custom GPTs". 

They take less than ten minutes to create. 

You don't need a website, tech skills or a Marketing degree. Anyone can do this. 

That’s why we’re excited to introduce you to Local Business GPT.

Custom GPTs Are The Fastest Way To
Improve Local Business Fortunes In 2024

Custom GPTs are turning out to be the quickest ticket to boosting both local businesses and your own financial game in 2024. 


It's pretty simple: local shops, cafes, gyms, hair salons, dental surgeries —you name it—are always on the hunt for ways to stand out and make things run smoother. 

Custom GPTs hit that sweet spot by offering something that's not just another cookie-cutter solution. 

With just a few clicks of a button, you can create Custom GPTs that help local businesses automate tasks like setting appointments, managing customer inquiries, organising room bookings, training staff, handling billing & receipts, providing 24/7 customer support, scheduling viewings, and much, much more

For entrepreneurs, consultants and local marketers looking to offer new services, this means there's a HUGE chance to jump in and make a difference quickly. By helping local businesses level up with these AI tools, you're not just giving them a leg up—you're also opening doors to new revenue streams for yourself. 

It's a win-win, making Custom GPTs a smart move for anyone looking to get ahead in 2024.

Local Businesses Are CRYING OUT
For Custom GPTs 

Right now, local businesses are in desperate need of something that can set them apart, something innovative yet practical. 

Enter Custom GPTs—tailor-made AI solutions that are catching the eye of small and local business owners everywhere. 

These aren't just generic tools; they're bespoke services designed to meet the unique needs of each business, offering a level of personalisation and efficiency previously unheard of. 

And the best part? 

Local businesses recognise the immense value these custom solutions bring to the table, making them more than willing to invest big money. For local marketing entrepreneurs and digital service providers, this opens up a lucrative avenue: delivering Custom GPT solutions that not only enhance business operations but also drive significant revenue growth.

And remember: This can be done in under ten minutes and it requires no prior technical skills.

Custom GPTs For Local Businesses
Is A Brand New, Wide-Open,
Completely Untapped Opportunity

If you've struggled to sell products or services to local businesses: it's probably because you've had TOO MUCH COMPETITION.

Jumping into making Custom GPTs for local businesses is like catching a big wave before it even breaks. 

It's a fresh scene with hardly anyone else on it yet. Today, finding a spot where you're not elbow-to-elbow with competitors is pretty rare, especially online. So, for folks looking to get in on something new, this is it. 

Local businesses are just starting to see how powerful digital tools can be for standing out and smoothing out their day-to-day tasks. 

They're getting interested in what Custom GPTs can do, from answering customer questions automatically to making their marketing sound more personal. 

But not a lot of people are offering these custom AI solutions yet, making now a golden opportunity. If you're willing to learn how to set these up, you could be one of the first to offer something really valuable. 

It's a chance to be a go-to person in a space that's just starting to heat up, without having to fight through a crowd to get noticed.

You Can Create A Custom GPT
For A Local Business

Creating a Custom GPT for a local business is super easy and quick—it can literally take less than ten minutes! 

You don't need a bunch of fancy tools or tech skills. All you really need is a good idea of what the business needs, like answering customer questions or helping with bookings. 

Then, you just tell ChatGPT about it, and <bam>, you've got a custom solution ready to go. It's that simple. 

You can get a local shop, café, or any small business set up with their own AI in no time. This means you can help lots of businesses fast, making them happy while you get to make some good money. It's all about having that initial idea and then letting ChatGPT do the heavy lifting for you.

And It's SO Much Easier To Sell
Than SEO, Web Design
Or Social Media Services

Selling Custom GPTs to local businesses is a breeze compared to the traditional digital hustles like SEO, social media management, or web design. 

Why? Because it's new, it's exciting, and it directly addresses the pain points these businesses are feeling right now. 

Unlike SEO and social media, which require constant upkeep and a long-term commitment before seeing results, or web design, which can be a one-off project with complex requirements, Custom GPTs offer immediate benefits. 

They're plug-and-play solutions that local businesses can see working from day one. This makes the sell not just easier but more appealing. 

Business owners are always on the lookout for something that gives them an edge without adding to their workload. 

With Custom GPTs, you're offering them exactly that: a cutting-edge tool that simplifies operations, enhances customer interaction, and doesn't require them to learn the ins and outs of digital marketing. It's a straightforward proposition: adopt this technology and watch your business grow. That's an easy sell in any market.

This Is A Very Lucrative Service To Offer
(And It Requires NO Technical Skills To Deliver)

Local Business GPT is not just an incredible way to learn how to create Custom GPTs - you can also use what we teach inside and get local business clients to pay you for your newly-found Custom GPT knowledge.

Custom GPT creation is an incredibly in-demand skill and service right now.

Seriously, you can charge between $399-1500 for what amounts to a little less than ten minute's effort. 

I’ll say that again so that it really registers in your mind:

After you master Custom GPT creation using our training, YOU can charge individuals and local businesses between $395-1400 for less than ten minute's "work". 

Complete beginners are using their mastery of Custom GPTs to not only charge clients upfront for setup, but also charge a monthly recurring fee to 'maintain' the Custom GPT for a few minutes extra effort a month.

Just follow the instructions inside of Local Business GPT and you could legitimately and confidently start offering Custom GPT setup and maintenance as a client service within the next 24hrs.

...Plus We're Giving You
 Custom GPT Ideas For Over 55 Local Business Niches 

...And that's not all. 

We're also throwing in a treasure trove of Custom GPT ideas for over 55 local business niches. 

This means you won't be left scratching your head, wondering how to start. From cozy cafés and bustling gyms to professional services like lawyers and dentists, we've got you covered with ready-to-go concepts. 

These ideas are your shortcut to creating something valuable for almost any type of local business out there. It's like having a roadmap to success for each niche, ensuring you can hit the ground running. 

With Local Business GPT, you're not just getting the know-how to create Custom GPTs; you're getting a head start in dozens of industries, making it even easier to spread your wings and grow your business.

Don't Miss This Incredible Opportunity

Get Local Business GPT Today & Save $47

Usually $60, Today Only $12.95

Instant Access to a high-value AI earner
Over 55 Custom GPT Ideas for Local Businesses
No Paid Ads or Social Media Posting involved
Step-By-Step Training Blueprint included
Visual Instructions for easy learning included
Fast Action Bonuses for quick results
Perfect for local, agency, or online businesses
24/7 Support from the Let's Go Viral Team

You Also Get These Extra Bonuses
With Your Purchase Today:

 Bonus #1 


This cheat sheet is a practical tool with easy-to-follow steps that simplifies the process of understanding and penetrating your chosen niche. This guide provides you with the tools and insights needed to effectively analyse local markets, ensuring that your strategies are data-driven and precision-targeted for maximum impact.

(Value $99)

 Bonus #2 


This scorecard simplifies the process of selecting local business niches for selling Custom GPTs by evaluating them across various critical factors such as market demand, competition level, ease of implementation, and potential profitability. This provides you with a clear path to selecting niches where your Custom GPTs can truly thrive and revolutionise local business operations.

(Value $99)

You're Just One Custom GPT Away
From Changing Your Life

It's true - all it takes is one new customer to buy one Custom GPT to change your fortunes forever.

Setting up Custom GPTs for local businesses using our training is your 'cheat code' to instant automated income, more customers and more sales without any of the headaches usually associated with AI or digital marketing. 

Local Business GPT guarantees you (and your clients) a constant stream of new customers and sales without costing you your money or your sanity by showing you how to set up your automated ChatGPT AI the right way. 

Just follow our simple step-by-step instructions and you'll be cranking out valuable Custom GPTs for local businesses in no time!

We've done all the hard work and outlined the steps to success for you - you simply need to get your copy of Local Business GPT today before the price rises.


Are you really so busy that you can't spare just TEN MINUTES for a chance at success? 

Imagine using that brief slice of time to lay the groundwork for a potentially lucrative future. 

In the fast-paced world of business, ten minutes can open the door to new opportunities and financial gains with Custom GPTs for local businesses. 

Don't let a tight schedule hold you back from making a move that could transform your career and boost your earnings. 

Take those ten minutes now—it could be the best investment you make today! Every moment you hesitate is a moment missed. 

So why wait? Seize the opportunity to turn ten minutes into a turning point for your business.

Don't Miss The Custom GPT Boat
And Then Kick Yourself Later

Don't be the one who looks back and wishes they'd jumped on this opportunity. 

Missing out on the Custom GPT wave could be one of those moments you'll kick yourself for later. 

This is your chance to get in on something big before it's what everyone is talking about. Imagine being ahead of the curve, setting up local businesses with their own custom AI, and watching as the market catches up, realising you were there first. It's about making the smart choice now, so you don't have to wonder "what if?" down the line. 

By acting now, you're not only securing your place at the forefront of the Custom GPT revolution, but you're also positioning yourself as a go-to expert in a field that's only going to grow. 

This isn't just about being part of the trend—it's about being a trendsetter. 

Jump in, take the lead, and make the most of this opportunity while it's fresh.

If You Don't Start Doing This
- Someone Else Will...

If you don't grab this opportunity to work with Custom GPTs, rest assured, someone else will. 

The digital world moves fast, and the chance to lead in the local business scene with these AI solutions won't stay open forever. Local businesses are on the lookout for ways to innovate and stay ahead, and Custom GPTs offer just that. 

If you're not the one offering these cutting-edge services, another go-getter will step in and take that spot. It's all about timing, and right now, the timing couldn't be better to dive in, make a mark, and be the one that local businesses thank for their newfound success. 

Don't wait around and let this chance slip by because opportunities like this don't come around often.

What Are You Waiting For?

Get Instant Access To Local Business GPT

Automated Income | High-Value Easy Service | 100% Unrestricted Usage Rights 

Instant Access to a high-value AI earner
Over 55 Custom GPT Ideas for Local Businesses
No Extra Expenses, Tools or Software required
No Paid Ads or Social Media Posting involved
Step-By-Step Training Blueprint included
Fast Action Bonuses for quick results
Perfect for local, agency, or online businesses
24/7 Support from the Let's Go Viral Team

©2024 Copyright Let's Go Viral.  All Rights Reserved.

This site is NOT endorsed by Google, Facebook or OpenAI in ANY WAY. All trademarks & Logo / branding are the property of their respective owners

Refund Policy:  For obvious reasons, there are NO refunds for this. It's not a traditional "product purchase". This is an asset acquisition. Digital content does not have a refund policy because we cannot take the asset back. If you are not 100% certain about this purchase then do not get it. If you purchase the product it is acknowledgment that you are aware of that there are no refunds after purchase. All Sales Final.  

Income Disclaimer: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of our own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Let's Go Viral and Lead Generation Nation Ltd, make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this website you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are many factors and variables beyond our control which may impact any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavour, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense. You are responsible for your own results. 


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